TANITA – health, performance, efficiency

Fix your goals and take control over the progress of your body composition together with TANITA

<h1>TANITA – health, performance, efficiency</h1>

					<h2>Fix your goals and take control over the progress of your body composition together with TANITA</h2>

Business. Fitness. Sports.
Healthy eating.
Active living.

TANITA body composition monitors
is the choice of those who care about themselves!

Products catalogue

3 secrets of TANITA success

Stimulates and motivates

Will show your real measurements: muscles, fat, water and the progress thereof!

Japanese accuracy and quality

TANITA accuracy, innovations, and durability are recognized all over the world.

Quick measurements

Simple and user-friendly. In 30 seconds only you will know everything about your body.

Regulate your weight with TANITA in a safe and irreversible way!

All TANITA body composition monitors use a state-of-the-art technology of bioelectrical impedance or resistance.

A safe, very weak electrical signal similar to that in a cell battery, goes hardly through fat tissues, but goes easily through other tissues. TANITA method is based on electric signal resistance measurements at various body parts.

TANITA – it is time to stop thinking about your weight and to start focusing on your body composition. TANITA - if you can measure it, you can manage it. Free delivery in Latvia
TANITA – it is time to stop thinking about your weight and to start focusing on your body composition. TANITA - if you can measure it, you can manage it. Free delivery in Latvia

If you can measure it, you can manage it

You will get the possibility to work on factors, which are important for your health and wellbeing in a long-term, factors such as metabolism rate, visceral (abdominal) fat and bone mass.

If you care about your body composition, you will not only look amazing, but also will learn to maintain the healthy body balance.

Stop thinking about weight, stat focusing on body composition

By using TANITA monitor scales, your will learn all about your weight, fat %, water %, muscle mass in kg, bone mass, total fat, metabolic age, daily calorie intake and other.

TANITA body composition monitor will give you an accurate and precious data about your body composition, and will make your efforts even more efficient.

TANITA – it is time to stop thinking about your weight and to start focusing on your body composition. TANITA - if you can measure it, you can manage it. Free delivery in Latvia

What do we offer?

You can buy TANITA body composition monitors in Latvia at online shop Medveikals.lv. We have been selling TANITA body composition monitors for more than 7 years. We also offer TANITA body composition monitors for professional use in specialized medical institutions, training centers, fitness and sports clubs, SPA parlors. Our range includes body composition monitors for home use and small fitness clubs. TANITA monitors are recognized as safe, accurate, and user-friendly tool for those who care about their body.

Tanita for home

до 250

  • body composition measurements
  • save the readings
  • user-friendly
  • safe
Tanita proff
Tanita proff for

от 2000

  • high accuracy
  • measurements per segment
  • special programs
  • guidelines
Tanita similar


/ Miscellaneous
  • rehabilitation
  • metabolism boost
  • express tests
  • software

Arbor Medical Korporācija

You can buy TANITA at our safe, reliable, and fast online shop for healthy living Medveikals.lv and soon, also on Rehabveikals.lv.

Medveikals.lv is offering:

  • High quality medical devices for diagnostics, such as blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, tonometers, etc.
  • Hygienic goods - sanitary napkins, diapers, as well as goods intended for patient care.
  • Goods for rehabilitation - physiotherapy goods, orthoses, technical aids, etc.
  • Beauty products from foreign and Latvian manufacturers.
  • Preventive and compression knitwear.
  • As well as other products take care of themselves from the wide range of Arbor Medical Korporācija offerings.


Body composition online diagnostics

TANITA analyzers and online diagnostics will help you to control regularily the progress of your body composition!

Online diagnostics

You have questions or need more detailed information? Please call!